Extended Adaptation

Many years later the boy wasn’t so much of a boy anymore. He was now a grown adult and idolized by his fellow villagers. For most people, being able to do a complete 180° turn with your character and morals isn’t easy. The boy he was back in the day, he is no more. It took this man many long days and many long nights to get where he is now. He worked very hard to be the best person that he could be. He tried to improve on all aspects of his life so one day he can be someone that children could look up to and realize that anything is possible no matter your circumstances. The boy, now a man, uses his experience to help educate and inform the youth in that same village. He is a motivational speaker if you will. He goes throughout the village spreading positivity and sharing the message that who you are today does not mean you will be that person forever. He praises that change is often scary, but is often good for you. The children in the village love this man. They find motivation and determination in him to make themselves who they want to be. The man believes that if you want something in life you can go out and get it as long as you put in the hard work. “Dreams don’t chase you, you must chase the dreams” is one of his most iconic quotes that he lives by. It wasn’t until one day when the man was going through the village spreading his usual message when he stumbled upon this boy. There was something about this boy that caught the eye of the man. It wasn’t until he spent some time with the boy that he realized it. This boy was a carbon copy of what the man was when he was a child. Once he realized this, he wanted to pass the favor on of helping one change as a person. He was helped as a child and in order to pay his respect to that, he wanted to help a child of his own. He spent, yet again, very long days and very long nights of hard work in order to get this boy to where he wanted to be. He noticed along the way that this boy had many of the same mannerisms that he had. Instantly after noticing this, the man felt a strong connection between the two of them. They were the same person, almost like a father and a son. As the boy slowly started becoming a man himself he was able to make the complete change. The boy realized how hard the journey was and the message the man was spreading resonated with him. The man slowly started becoming an elder and eventually got sick. As his time wound in his life he reflected on how appreciative he was to have those events happen to him at such an early age. It shaped him into the person he was today. On his final day in life, he told the boy “Keep spreading this message for me. You are me and I am you. I will be with you forever.” The boy who now was becoming a man was emotional at the passing of his elder, but he knew what he had to do. He found his meaning in life. He was to follow in that man’s footsteps and carry on spreading this positivity and motivation through the village just like his Dad did.

Process Note

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