Why is this Story still being Adapted Today?


These two adaptations relate directly back to the original. They both have the same plot idea and the same message being portrayed. This message of being honest and trustworthy is one that is very important. This tale has been passed through many of generations because of how important the message is. Unlike what the scholars and philosophers believe, the moral theme in it is still relevant to this day and age. This relevancy is what has caused this story to be passed from generation to generation over many of years. This is why we are still retelling it. Some stories over time begin to die off and stop being re-told for many of reasons. For me, I would think the main reason a story would begin to lose its relevance is because the message that is being told doesn’t apply anymore. The reader can’t relate to what is being told. This has happened and will continue to happen to many stories, but I don’t think it would happen to “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” I think as time goes on, little bits and pieces of it will change inevitably to make it more relatable to the reader, but that main message and plot from the original will always be told. This is shown through the two adaptations that I have shared with you on the previous page. The details of the story has changed, but that basic plot and moral theme is there and it will continue to be there for as long as we are on this planet. Honesty is such a basic, but very important moral to have, and I don’t see that ever changing in this world.

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