Adaptation 1

Long ago in a small village just outside of Greece lived a very honorable, serviceable, and friendly wolf. This wasn’t your ordinary wolf. This wolf, also commonly known as Fillion, was well respected by the other wolves in this area. They looked up to him in every way. He was their King. Fillion was here to provide service to those in need. It wasn’t just any service. Fillion used his terrifying and scary nature to teach children lessons. He believed that fear was the best strategy to help get his message across to these irresponsible and immature children that tenanted in this village. Fillion would leave his den at the break of dawn everyday and trot his way down to the village to begin his job. His job was a difficult one. It involved being sly and stealthy and making a conscious effort of not being spotted by one of the villagers. He would sneak around, ducking and diving into bushes, darting to and from trees, and in extreme circumstances quietly sneak up to the poorly built straw and wood cottages that these villagers resided in. What he would do is listen to conversation and observe the children’s behavior. If the child was in need of fixing, Fillion would mark it mentally and continue on observing the other children in the village. This village was most known for farming sheep so the villagers were often concerned about wolves attacking. The thing was though, Fillion would never let that happen. He was morally right and sincere to these villagers. All he wanted to do was be of aid to them. Although, this fear of the villagers played perfectly into his tactic for teaching children lessons through instillment of horror. It wasn’t until one rainy day where Fillion noticed something major. In a cottage nearing the outskirts of the village there was this boy. The boy would engage in immature behavior. He would try stealing from markets, he would disrespect not only other kids around his age, but the elders as well, and he would begin to tell little lies to try and gain the attention of people. Fillion saw nothing like this sort of behavior. He was appalled and immediately decided to put all his other projects on hold and strictly focus on this young boy. Fillion didn’t want to rush this project. This was going to be his most difficult, but at the same time most satisfying and prestigious change. That’s if he could pull it off of course. Day after day, Fillion would wake up and make his way down to the village to observe this boy. Towards the second week of observing, Fillion noticed something strange that he has never seen before. The parents of this boy showed little to no love or attention to him. “This is sickening.” Fillion said to himself as he crept closer to the home of this boy. “How can the parents of a young boy treat him this way when they are supposed to be the two figures in life he looks up to? He’s not supposed to make enemies with them.” Fillion was astonished. He wondered how this would affect the boy mentally. He was genuinely concerned and worried about the consequences this boy may face due to his terrible at home environment. As time passed Fillion began to notice a downward spiral this boy was heading into. “This must be the effects he is facing based on how he is treated by his parents.” Fillion thought to himself. Fillion had a hypothesis as to why he would tell these lies. “It must rely on the fact that he isn’t given much attention at home, so he is doing his best to try and get attention from others by telling his fellow villagers these lies about him.” Fillion strongly believed this hypothesis. It wasn’t until one night where this was proven to be true. The boy was assigned to look over the sheep one night to protect them from the wolves. His job was to alert the villagers down below if there was a concern about the sheep being attacked. The first night Fillion was there hidden in the woods to observe him. As time passed the boy jokingly decided to scream down to the village alerting them there was a wolf.  There was no actual wolf that he saw. All the villagers came out to his rescue. They shortly found out that he was lying and they annoyingly went back down to the village disappointed in the boys actions. “He must find this amusing.” Fillion thought. “He liked the idea of getting all the attention from the villagers. This can lead to a major problem down the line if I don’t try and change this quick.” Fillion was eager to make this change, but he had to be patient and wait for the right moment. The next day again the boy made his way up the hill to where the sheep were based to look over them. Fillion was again also there observing his every move. Like the previous day, the boy cried down to the villagers alerting them there was a wolf. This time only a select few of the villagers came out to his aid later to find out there was still no wolf. He continued to lie for this type of attention. “This is getting out of hand. I must do something about this tomorrow.” Fillion stressfully thought to himself. The next day came and the boy walked up that hill to tend the sheep on his last day of his last shift. Fillion was there once again. Time passed and for the final time the boy screamed down to the villagers attempting to alert them. To the boys surprise no one came out to his rescue. He tried again and still no one came up to his rescue. The villagers knew he was now just doing it for attention. “This is my chance” Fillion said to himself. “I must act on this time right now.” What Fillion did next he regrets doing, but it was the only way he would be able to fix this problemed child. Fillion attacked and unfortunately killed one of the sheep. This obviously sent fear straight into the boy after witnessing this horrible event. He was scarred emotionally, but that event changed the way that boy acted and how he thinks. He began to act more mature and respectfully to others as well. Also, once the parents had heard what had happened to him, they changed the way they parented. They began to care for him and show him love and support. They didn’t want to lose their child. After experiencing this event it woke them up and made them realize that they haven’t been the best parents. They realized that how they treat their child directly affects how their child acts and that showing love and support can make a very positive influence on the child mentally. “This has gone down as the most successful and important change I have made.” Fillion said to himself as he happily trotted his way back to his den. “Nothing will ever top this one. Not only have I have changed the boy, but I have also changed his parents actions which began to cause the boy to act this way. There is no better feeling.” Fillion never felt prouder than that day. This experience made Fillion realize that parenting isn’t an easy job, but a full time job. He noticed the effects parents have on their children with the way they are raised and parented. He also realized what treating people with kindness can do. The positive effects on others of spreading love and kindness was something he never thought of before. This day made Fillion realize that showing love, support, and kindness no matter the circumstance will go a long way.

Process Note

Extended Adaptation


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